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Real Estate News and Updates

After the fantastic response and great reviews we received from our previous announcement about the beta, we’re REALLY excited to announce today that our dsIDXpress WordPress IDX plugin is now available in nearly ALL of our dsSearchAgent coverage areas! Between the time when we made the announcement and today, we spent a great deal of time to ... Read more +

This is a quick post informing everyone that we are doing various upgrades to some of our servers tonight starting at 12:30am PST 8/20/2008. There may be sporadic service during this time but the maintenance shouldn’t last more than 2 hours, but may last up to 4 in an extreme case.  This may affect all products including all admin areas, ... Read more +

So, a few of you have expressed an interest in using the RSS feeds for content on your websites and blog sites.  While I think this is a good idea I want to pose a couple questions.  Is the goal of this to engage the customer in your self updating pages or is this for SEO reasons?  If it is just for your customers and the overall fantastic ... Read more +

Practice what you preach, right? Well, this month I’m going to practice something I preach to my clients not to do… I’m going to veer off my outline and write about something that happened to me in the last month that truly annoyed me. I believe, generally speaking, in following an outline when writing pages for your site. But I am veering ... Read more +

My name is Lindsay Connell, and I’m the head of the search engine marketing department at Diverse Solutions. My job is to work with our software engineering team and our clients who have purchased our marketing services in order to achieve top rankings in the search engines and ultimately drive more web traffic to our clients’ sites. ... Read more +