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Tag: wordpress

Real Estate News and Updates

Kick Off 2019 by Maximizing the ROI of Your WordPress Website By implementing a few simple strategies and solutions, your underperforming WordPress website can quickly become a client-generating machine in 2019. From techniques essential for driving a consistent volume of relevant buyers and sellers to your website to strategies for converting ... Read more +

Picture Paste to the Rescue! If you’re using WordPress and trying to do frequent and informative posts to build SEO and provide content for your site visitors, you’re probably doing a lot of image insertion as well.  It’s a fact that images enhance the visitor experience, so photos or screen shots always make a post a little ... Read more +

Some of us are naturally tech savvy. For the rest, we can remember the not-too-distant past, where we were all trying to figure out how to setup our websites and blog efficiently.  For those of us in the later category, it seems like just around the time we began to master how to place content on the Web, understand SEO and even pay for some ... Read more +

Optimizing Your WordPress Site for Stick WordPress is a great platform for a real estate website.  A WordPress site has the ability to feature popular posts or recent posts in the sidebar which can keep a visitor on your site longer.  Have you considered how “sticky” your site is?  Being “sticky” refers to a site that ... Read more +

Let’s say that you have already promoted your real estate business by creating a beautiful website, handing out business cards and even advertising in the local newspaper. You have taken steps to self-promote and that is valuable. But how proactive are you when it comes to soliciting reviews? Sometimes, what you have to say about yourself is ... Read more +